Willie - breeding prospect Male
I travelled to Denmark again in Aug 2021 to pickup another male from Bettina Martens. I was told he is an old soul and he truly is. I love him.
His health testing has started and soon will be found at the OFA website.
Coton CPH's Unchain My Heart - Willie was born on Dec 15, 2020. He started his Canadian championship in Camrose AB Oct 21-24, 2021.
He really started his show career with an outstanding weekend with a BPIG and Group 4th.
Willie achieved his Canadian Kennel Club championship on Feb 19,2022 and was awarded a fifth placement in the total number of points earned in 2021 by a Coton De Tulear. He did very well in his first
4 months in Canada. He will be shown again in 2022.